
Showing posts from November, 2013

Leasing may be more work than it is worth

Trying to find leasable land for bison in the eastern United States has not been easy.  First, I've got nothing against the people who have responded to my ads.  They've mostly been nice decent people and in most any other situation I'd probably enjoy working with them.  However, when you're trying to start something like a bison herd, which requires a lot of coordination on many different fronts, some of my experiences have been trying. Consequently, I've decided that, for starting a herd, I'm better off owning my first few acres of pasture than leasing them. 

Busy Times

Trying to start-up a business is very busy.  Since Friday, I've met with a prospective pasture "lessor", met with an attorney, registered as a business, met with a CPA, begun formalizing a leasing agreement, begun planning for fence installation, and started the bison buying process. An interesting thing I've observed is that when you're starting your own small business, the pace at which many things move is very much up to you.  This has both a good side and a bad side.  On the one hand, you don't have to sit around waiting for the bureaucracy of a large employer.  On the other hand, you can very easily burn yourself out.  This is sometime I will have to work at self regulating.