Nursing my arm and more exciting adventures

This post will be very short because I'm trying not to use my left arm.  I thought it had recovered sufficiently, but after driving about five t-posts it is clear that I need to give it more rest.  I always tend to push things when I probably shouldn't.  I just don't have the patience to sit around and do nothing.  I can still do general tasks, but typing really inflames it.

Though my arm became messed up pretty early on in the weekend, I was still able to accomplish a few things.  I taught Jess how to safely use a chainsaw, so she could work on clearing more fence line on her own.  I also mostly finished grading the road on our property.  We had about four inches of rain the previous week and some parts were too wet to properly grade. I'll wait another week or two before finishing those parts.

A vigilant goose guards our pond.
I think he looks a little like Putin. 
Blue or Canada Toadflax (Nuttallanthus canadensis) is now flowering on the pasture.
The bees are still at it. 


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