
Showing posts from July, 2014

Back on the night shift and more wonderous adventures

This week I'll be starting night shift, which really doesn't matter much in terms of the work I need to do on the ranch.  It's really more a matter of keeping the fact that I'm on night shift from depressing me to the point of apathy.  During this past block of time-off, I had the wonderful luck of giving myself a corneal abrasion while opening a large cardboard box to check on the contents.  It happened on Monday evening during a sudden down-pour of rain.  I rushed to move the box under a tarp to protect the contents, which was a new solar-powered electric fence charger, and, once under the tarp, proceeded to hurriedly open the box to remove the disassembled contents from the wet box.  It was at that point, when I was rushing to remove the contents of the box, that a large piece of spacing-cardboard on the inside of the package flipped up and hit me in the eye.  At first it just stung a little, but, over the next hour, my eye began tearing and stinging to the point t

A few setbacks and a new path forward

After three 12-hour days at work, including the 4th of July, I was really looking forward to having a rare four days off to work on the ranch.  However, sometimes things don't happen the way you'd hope.  On the evening of the first day, I got a text message from Jess, who was supposed to be enjoying a Washington Nationals baseball game, that a baseball had hit her in the face and she was on here way to the hospital.  The ball hit her cheek-bone and broke it in at least three places, but, after about a day-and-a-half of doctor visits, it seems like she will be okay. As soon as I received the text I began packing up things at the ranch and drove home.  On the long drive home, in addition to worrying about Jess, I also began re-evaluating the fencing plan.  My primary goal was the have bison on the ranch by this fall.  To accomplish this I basically needed food, water, and a fence.  I already had the first two things and was working on the third item and it was this third item t