Nearly finished with electric fence

This past break I only had two nights off, but I was able to get some more fencing work done.  The three water-based posts are nearly ready to be installed.  They consist of a horizontal tire base filled with concrete in which I can insert metal t-posts.  I could have just directly embedded the t-posts in the concrete, but I wanted to have the flexibility to be able to switch out the metal posts with fiberglass or other types of posts if necessary.  Jess and I collected the tires a few weeks ago along the part of our property that boarders a road.  I then welded some pieces of scrap steel to one end of three foot-and-a-half long square steel tubes.  During the last break, I laid each tire on its side and filled it with concrete.  Each tire took about three bags of Sakrete to fill.  Each time a tire was filled, I set one of the tubes in the concrete (scrap-steel-end down), so that the tube jutted upright out of the center of the tire.  I also pulled three five-foot metal t-posts out of the  ground that had been part of an old fence line on our property.  I brought them home to northern Virginia, cleaned them up with a wire-wheel on the angle grinder, and modified the ends so they could fit in the steel tube that are embedded in the tires.  Next time I go down to the ranch I will try to remember to take pictures. 

For the most part, the rest of the tasks that need to be completed are small, but important things.  For instances, one more gate needs to be installed.  Not a huge task, but definitely something that needs to happen.  My hope is that, with both Jess and myself working together during this next break, we should get every thing done. 


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