
Showing posts from November, 2014

Waiting for bison

Our trip out west went well and we've put money down on ten bison that should be delivered next month.  People keep asking me if I'm excited and, to be honest, I'm not.  From afar things might look very simple and straightforward. We bought the bison and its time to celebrate.  There are, however, still a lot of unknowns that could complicate this projected outcome.  I'm not going to go into this in any great detail, but I will say that the day they've been safely unloaded onto our pasture I will feel very happy.  If, a month later, they haven't jumped or destroyed my fencing and no one has tried to shoot or steal them, I will feel very relieved. A barred owl ( Strix varia ) perched on the electric fence in the early morning hours.  The pink strips of plastic hanging down below the owl are the plastic strips Jess had tied to the electric fence to warn people and animals of the new wire.  A week after Jess had tied them (three evenly-spaced strips between eac

Heading West

Elections were held in the middle of my last break period so it wasn't worth spending all that time driving to the ranch only to come back a day or two later to vote.  I really hate it when I can't go down there, but it did give me a chance to work on some things at home. The first project I had was to replace the aluminum handle bars on my brush cutter with a steel one.  For most people the aluminum handles are probably fine, but I tend to be a little more rough with my cutter and have accidentally cracked the handles off a few times.  The first and second times I used my aluminum MIG welder to repair the aluminum handle tube.  However, although the weld on the handlebar seemed to hold, the tube continued to crack in the heat-affected areas of the tube.   After the third crack, I decided to fabricate my own steel replacement handles.  To do this I used a short piece of steel electrical conduit tubing I bought at the Home Depot. I would never recommend anyone else try using