More bison fencing

The bison seem to have calmed down quite a bit, though, the above picture is the best I've been able to get of them recently.

In order to keep them here more permanently, I've resumed work of the 6.5 foot tall woven wire fence that I hope to eventually encircle the entire property with.  For this project I've divided the effort into three phases which represent different sections of the property.  The current section I am working on is probably a little over 1,000 feet and not directly accessible by any roads or fields.  This means I need to somehow transport all of the posts, wire, and tools into the area.  To assist me with this task I decided to go low-budget and build a hand cart from existing supplies.  The cart is approximately 4'x4' and initially used some bicycle tires I had from a worn-out bicycle I used when I was in graduate school.  Ultimately, after repeated flat tires and an eventual collapse of one of the tire rims, I did switch to solid rubber cart tires of a slightly smaller diameter.  This system has worked well and I've been able to transport most of the things I need for first 800 feet of fence.  
The original cart with bicycle tires.  I eventually added a plywood bed to the cart. 

Another angle of the original cart.
The final solid rubber tires.  They fit over 3/4" diameter pieces of solid steel bar which are ground down on the ends to fit the original cart frame.  Pieces of electrical conduit were added to each side of the axle to keep the tire centered and the steel bar was then welded to the cart frame. 

Update: As I was sitting in the truck writing this entry the bison decided to come over and check me out.  


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