Bears on the ranch

A black bear checking out our beehives last October.  The bear never did go past the electric fence.
When we first bought our property, locals would tell us that there were black bears in the area.  Initially, I took what people told me with a grain of salt, as I couldn't find anyone who had personally witnessed a bear.  However, after I found the above picture on one of my trail cameras and found bear tracks in the sand just last weekend (below), I guess I have to admit that we do have at least one bear in the area.  Some people seem afraid, but it's my understanding that most black bears will leave you alone as long as you don't surprise them, try feeding them, or mess with their cubs.  I'm not worried about any bears bothering the bison as the bison already weigh more and are probably more dangerous than most black bears.  

A black bear track in the sand on the edge of our lower pasture. 


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