It's Hot. Dan Hot!

It's been super hot in southern Virginia with little rain and temperatures in the low 90's (Fahrenheit).  By 10 am it's too hot and humid to think straight, but the bison seem to be coping well.  They've set up a sort of beach resort on a sandy spot near the pond and spend most of the day eating, laying in the sand, and wading in the water.  The whole process follows a definite pattern.  The entire group will lay down in a sandy area they had cleared about twenty feet from the water and, one at a time, a bison will stand up, stretch, and wade around in the water for about five minute before returning to the sand to lay down.  Eventually one will decide it's time to eat, stand up, urge the others to join her with polite horn jabs, and, once everyone is standing, head over to some nearby grass.  The whole group will eat their fill over about 30 minutes until they finally return to the sand where the process repeats itself.

They whole herd sunning themselves on thier beach.
Heading off to graze.

With the lack of rain a lot of other animals have been hanging out near the pond as well.

Eastern Fence Lizard (Sceloporus undulatus)
Red-eyed Vireo (Vireo olivaceus)
North American Millipede (Narceus americanus)

Eastern Ratsnake (Pantherophis alleghaniensis)


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