Bought myself an emergency rescue beacon

The ACR ResQLink, purchased at REI for $289.
Because I'm often alone and the ranch is very isolated, Jess has pursuaded me to purchase an emergency rescue beacon.  About half of the ranch has cell phone reception, but Jess was worried about a scenario in which I was severely injured in a location without reception and unable to move to a location with reception.  We did a lot of research and decided to go with the highly rated ACR ResQLink, which I will carry with me on an arm band.  Frankly, I would recommend it for anyone operating in an isolated location.  Hopefully I'll never need to use it.  
To ready the device all you do is unhook the wrap-around antenna, which then swings up revealing the activation button.  Once you press that button, you pass the point of no return.  An emergency signal is transmitted and your nearest SAR team is mobilized.  You can only use these devices in the case of a truely life or death emergency in which you are unable to contact emergency services via other means (e.g. cell phone) or move yourself to a place that you could contact emergency services.   


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