When we purchased and installed our modest photovoltaic (solar
electric) system last winter it made an incredible improvement to our
quality of life on the ranch. With it we are able to have
enough AC power day or night to use a computer, recharge cell phones,
operate the trailer heater, and many other things vital to
functioning in a modern capacity.
Because I was working a full-time job and had just acquired (rather traumatically) my first 10 bison, I never had the opportunity to properly install all of the solar equipment. Now that I am ranching full-time, I've finally gotten a chance to do a better job. The following pictures illustrate these improvements.
Now that I have completely finished installing the photovoltaic
system for our scamp, the final step will be to do the same thing for
the security system.
Because I was working a full-time job and had just acquired (rather traumatically) my first 10 bison, I never had the opportunity to properly install all of the solar equipment. Now that I am ranching full-time, I've finally gotten a chance to do a better job. The following pictures illustrate these improvements.
The batteries and other equipment with the covers
taken off.
The permanent housing was made from pieces of
aluminum welded together. Each housing consists of a bottom and
a top piece. In this photograph I've installed the bottom portions of
each housing assembly.