
Showing posts from November, 2015

Preparing for a bison bull

Although the trailer deck boards are already pressure treated I decided it wouldn't hurt to give them a coating of linseed oil.  Coating should help to reduce the absorption of urine and feces during transportation and extend the life of the boards.  Tomorrow I plan to post an internal advertisement to National Bison Association members for from one to three plains bison bulls of three to four years in age.  When we purchased bison last year, Delta Manufacturing, the company from which we had purchased our cattle trailer, had not yet completed fabrication of the trailer so we ended up paying someone to bring the bison from North Dakota.  This year, however, we have the trailer and plan to haul the bison ourselves.  In preparation of this momentous occasion I've been painstakingly checking the truck and trailer to make sure everything is in working order.  I'm sure glad I did that.  The photos in this post illustrate some of the things we've encountered.  When som

East section II fencing completed

Well spaced bison on our upper pasture.   My recent decreased blog activity has largely been due to my singular focus on completing a quarter mile section of fencing along the eastern boundary of our property, which I am happy to announce was completed this week. This is significant because it opens several acres of additional land to the bison.  The following pictures document this new fencing.  This newly installed gate connects the new permanent fence (barely visible on the left side of the photo) with what remains of the more temporary electric fencing (on the right side).  Moving north from the new gate, the new permanent fence stretches 500 feet before turning east.  This new fence combines three electric wires (one on the bottom and two on the top) with woven wire.  The spot where the fence turns east for 500 feet.  Midway through the east-heading fence I had to insert a slight bend to accommodate a slight bend in the property line.   This is the spot wher