The new king of the ranch

Our recently acquired bull has now decided that I no longer have free rein to do as I please in the pasture.  This was first communicated to me two weeks ago when he charged me for walking too close to the herd.  My second notice came this morning as I was clearing some trees in the pasture. 
The bison this morning as they investigate my stuff.
Sometimes when I'm working the bison will become curious and come over by me to investigate.  Prior to having a bull it wasn't a big deal as they would always run away when I approached them on foot.  However, with the start of the spring breeding period (which I have been able to ascertain by some rather overtly vulgar behavior on the part of our bull), any approach on foot is not an option.  This was made very clear to me when I attempted to return to my truck and refuel my chainsaw.  All of the bison females had gathered around my truck and tools to look things over and, as soon as I attempted to approach, our hero asserted his dominance.  Not wanting to argue, I beat a hasty retreat and climbed up the nearest tall brush pile. 
 Unfortunately my act of climbing the brush pile attracted the curiosity of the entire herd and it was about 45 minutes until I was able to safely dash into the truck and drive away.  
The view from my shelter in the brush pile.  The bull stands in the background keeping a close eye on me.
F-250's make the best scratching posts.


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