Ranching technology post #4 - additional camera deployment

The very compact surveillance system fits quite well atop a single wooden post.
I recently finished installing one of two newly developed security systems at the ranch.  These systems, which I mention in a previous post, are designed to link via wifi to the much larger main security system, but have the advantage of being located in different parts of the ranch and, consequently, providing greater surveillance coverage of the property. 
A closeup of the system.  The charge controller is hidden behind the panel just above the battery.  The camera housing holds the camera and the Raspberry Pi. 
One of the first images transmitted by the new system.  The camera is out of focus.  Also, as an experiment, I removed the camera's internal near-infrared filter.  This expands the sensor's light spectrum sensitivity slightly and is why the vegetation appears white. 
All in all the new system is working pretty well.  I have noticed some issues with loss of wifi connectivity, which I will have to resolve through experimentation.  This is to be expected as you can never fully predict potential problems when deploying a brand new system. 
I adjusted the focus, but now the camera isn't level.  I'll deal with that later.  The near-infrared images should prove interesting. 


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