Bought a plow and a subsoiler

The double bottom blow attached to the tractor. 
Last month Jess and I made the decision to invest in a double bottom plow and a subsoiler for use in preparing new pasture for planting and improving the current pasture.

I bought both attachments from after finding the following video demonstrations on YouTube. 

I think that the three things that helped to sell me on their products were: 1) the use of sheer bolts, 2) the use of quality steel, and 3) free shipping (free shipping to a local freight terminal). 
Assuming that the order would be loaded onto two separate pallets, I had brought my equipment trailer to the freight terminal for pickup, but both items had been packed onto one pallet so I probably could have just used the truck.  Oh well. 
The bison watch in the background as I carefully unload the plows.  They generally like to watch me while I'm working on things.  I think they find me entertaining.

The two items unloaded.  The double plow came assembled.  The subsoiler (left) can be seen partially assembled with the shank (the part that goes into the ground) in the foreground.
Last week I finally got around to subsoiling several acres of pasture.  You can really feel the tractor working as it pulls apart some of the hardpan.  At one point I actually hit what was left of an old wagon wheel which was buried a long time ago.
The pasture after subsoiling showing minimal disruption at the surface.


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