
Showing posts from October, 2017

Preparing for corral panel production

Vertical (right and center) and base (left) components for 18 more corral panels ready for welding after being cut from 24 foot lengths of steel tube. In preparation for the assembly of the 18 remaining 24 foot long free-standing corral panels I have been cutting and assembling all of the smaller pieces of the panels.  Once the vertical components were cut, caps were welded on the ends of each length of tube. Though I added bases to the panel legs at a later point when I was assembling the two prototype panels, I've opted to add the bases earlier for the remaining panels.  Doing so at an earlier point in the process enables me to more easily ensure good welds on this particular area.  In addition to preparing all of the components of the panels, I've also designed a four-panel rack to assist with assembling, sandblasting, and painting the panels.  The rack, as seen in this initial Google SketchUp model, consists of four separate stands.  The rack, when

Off-grid living update

While at the ranch, I mostly spend my time working on ranch-related projects.  However, during my downtime I sometimes like to work on projects that make off-grid life a little more enjoyable.  The Hickory King dent corn I planted in the spring has since matured and been harvested.  The volume I was able to harvest was okay for a first year, though, I would have expected more.  Once the cobs were shelled I had enough kernels to fill 5 one gallon containers.  Most of this will be either turned into hominy or ground into grits. The other plants in the garden did less well.  Some of the items, such as the onions and garlic, were over-watered due to my excessive enthusiasm about the drip irrigation system.  The peppers and tomatoes were destroyed by what I eventually determined to be a rabbit.  Hopefully a revised garden plan, which I will blog about some other time, will resolve these problems.  This summer also brought me in contact with a field mouse who tried to make itself a