Reducing bison stress with sheeted corral panels

When bison are corralled in a relatively large pen and under low stress situations the pen can consist of panels with open spaces between panel rails without too many problems.  However, in situations in which bison may experience greater stress, such as in smaller pens, chutes, and alleyways, their ability to reason breaks down and they can easily become overstimulated.  Over-stimulation of the senses results in a fight or flight response which is VERY dangerous for both the bison and people handling the bison.  Consequently, to reduce the a amount of visual stimulation in higher stress areas of the corral, I've added 1/16th inch thick sheets of steel to several of my 24-foot-long corral panels.  The following photographs show these panels.
A sheeted panel.  The sheets are welded to the panel with one-inch-long welds every foot or two. 

Even though the sheet is only 1/16th inch thick the 96 square feet needed to cover the panel adds around 240lbs to the 320lbs of the original panel.  To compensate for this increased weight diagonal braces were added to the feet of each panel.
I am now about 1/3 done building all of the corral components.  The remaining components will include two heavy ally panels, four gated panels, two 10-foot-long gates, nine six-foot-long gates, and 22 hinges.  


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