
Showing posts from October, 2018

Adding a Raspberry Pi weather station

Information about the past and current weather conditions is incredibly useful for ranching.  If I have a record of wind gusts, I can know the likelihood that a tree has fallen on the bison fence.  If I know the depth to which the ground has frozen in winter, I can get an idea of the likelihood that my buried water distribution system has frozen.  If I have a record of past rainfall, I can more easily calculate when I'll need to start supplementing hay.  If I know the temperature, humidity, wind speed, and solar radiance, I can calculate an indicator for cattle heat stress.  You get the idea. This post is the first of a series of posts describing my installation and development of a weather station on our bison ranch.  The weather station will be an extension of the Raspberry Pi-based solar-powered surveillance system I've already built on the ranch.  The best post to review for a description of that system can be found here .  This system continuously monitors the bison he