My ranch is currently divided into three pastures. There is a central water source with gates that allows me to rotate the bison between the different pastures. In one of the pastures areas there was a grass section and a 20 acre forest section. When I recently had a team of loggers clear the 20 acres I kept the bison in the other two pastures. This worked out, but there were times the herd made me nervous when they would stand at the fence separating them from the other pasture gazing at the lush growing grass on the other side. With bison a fence is a suggestion, not an obstacle. When I signed the contract the logger said it should only take three or four weeks, but it ran well over five weeks.
Since then they've spent a lot of their time hanging out in the clear cut area, particularly in the spot where the loggers limbed, sorted and loaded the pine logs. What are they doing out there? There's nothing to eat there. Maybe the area repells insects. It does have a thick bed of pine bark and pine needles.